Frankurt am Main, Germany contact(@)

To provide people who gained interest into the further develoment of schema therapy we created this website and started trainings in English recently.

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Dr. Eckhard Roediger

I am mostly working as Trainer in German speaking countries, but due to my activities for the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST) and some publications in English the interest in my work grew over the past years. My major contribution to the future development of schema therapy is the recently published book: „Contextual Schema Therapy“. It describes how a 3rd wave perspective deepens our understanding of a Healthy Adult mode and helps fine-tuning imagery work and chair dialogues. Besides that it outlines the theoretical underpinnings of schema therapy as an contextual therapy and provides the reader with a detailed manual how to apply experiential techniques even with “hard cases” focussing on and working with the therapy relationship. Thus it builds a bridge between behaviour therapy and psychodynamic in-session work. To give you a more vivid impression we uploaded some role-play Videos recorded in workshop in Helsinki in 2018.

A second focus of my work lies in the field of developing Schema Therapy with Couples (ST-C) further. Besides contributing significantly to two books on this topic (see Couples Therapy-page) we developed a system of 12 modules giving you handrails to guide you through your way through a therapy with couples. The modules add a layer of practical techniques to the bedrock outlined in the books.

Learn more about me and my trainings

Matias Valente Klein

Dr. Matias Valente

Lecturer and supervisor in CBT and ST at various training institutes. Working with complex Personality disorders and complex trauma clients. Integrating a 3rd wave perspective (i.e. ACT) into ST Author of several books on Schema Therapy.

Learn more about me and my trainings

Our Mission

We want provide the best concepts for continuing professional development in Schema Therapy world wide.

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Accredited training program of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST)

Our vision

Is the further development of schema therapy in the sense of a contextual and process-based method within behavioural therapy as well as schema therapy with couples. To achieve this, we offer a series of in-depth courses. We endeavour to create a community in which colleagues can exchange ideas, support each other and improve their practice through interaction.

Visit our program