Frankurt am Main, Germany contact(@)

Publications on couples by Eckhard Roediger

  • Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns

    A Schema Therapy Self-help and Support Book. Oxford-New York: Wileytevens, B., & Roediger, E. (2016).

  • Schema Therapy with Couples
    A Practitioner’s Guide to Healing Relationships. Oxford-New York: Wiley. Simeone-DiFrancesco, C., Roediger, E., & Stevens, B. (2015). „The latter book introduces into the principles of Schema therapy with couples.
  • Couples Therapy Module System
    For those, who want to get practical, we presented our “Module System” with detailed instructions on this website. Please take a look and give it a try. You will be surprised, how well it works! This Video presented on the ISST Virtual Summit 2020 gives you an introduction.

Our Mission

We want provide the best concepts for continuing professional development in Schema Therapy world wide.

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Accredited training program of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST)

Our vision

Is the further development of schema therapy in the sense of a contextual and process-based method within behavioural therapy as well as schema therapy with couples. To achieve this, we offer a series of in-depth courses. We endeavour to create a community in which colleagues can exchange ideas, support each other and improve their practice through interaction.

Visit our program