Frankurt am Main, Germany contact(@)

Publications in Englisch

  • Roediger, E & Archonti C. (2020). Transference and therapist-client chemistry in the treatment of eating disorders. In: Simpson, S. & Smith, E. (eds.). Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders. New York, NY: Routledge. p. 221-241.
  • Roediger, E., Zarbock, G., Frank-Noyon, E., Hinrichs, J., & Arntz, A. (2018). The Effectiveness of Imagery Work in Schema Therapy with Couples: A Clinical Experiment comparing the Effects of Imagery Rescripting and Cognitive Interventions in brief Schema Couples Therapy. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. DOI: 10.1080/14681994.2018.1529411.
  • Roediger, E., Stevens, B., & Brockman, R. (2018). Contextual Schema Therapy: An Integrative Approach to Personality Disorders, Emotional Dysregulation, and Interpersonal Functioning. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger (in press).
  • Stevens, B., & Roediger, E. (2016). Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns. A Schema Therapy Self-help and Support Book. Oxford-New York: Wiley
  • Roediger. E. (2016). Resource Activation through Perspective Changes: Why Don’t You Just Stand Up? Verhaltenstherapie, 26:117–123.
  • Simeone-DiFrancesco, C., Roediger, E., & Stevens, B. (2015). Schema Therapy with “Couples: A Practitioner’s Guide to Healing Relationships. Oxford-New York: Wiley.
  • Roediger, E., & Laireiter, A.-R. (2013). The schema therapeutic mode cycle in behavior therapy supervision. Verhaltenstherapie, 23:91-99.
  • Roediger, E. (2012). Why are mindfulness and acceptance central elements for therapeutic change? An integrative perspective. In: van Vreeswijk M, Broersen J, Nadort M (eds). Handbook of Schema Therapy. Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Wiley, p.239-248.

For Publications in German please go to Publikationen_von_ERoediger.pdf

Our Mission

We want provide the best concepts for continuing professional development in Schema Therapy world wide.

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Accredited training program of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST)

Our vision

Is the further development of schema therapy in the sense of a contextual and process-based method within behavioural therapy as well as schema therapy with couples. To achieve this, we offer a series of in-depth courses. We endeavour to create a community in which colleagues can exchange ideas, support each other and improve their practice through interaction.

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