Frankurt am Main, Germany contact(@)


Up to 2023: Born and lived in St. Petersburg, Russia. 2001-2006: Completed MA in organizational psychology at St. Petersburg State University. 2006-2011: Did research for her post-graduate study in the field of economic psychology. Received PhD in psychology. Gained substantial experience in a variety of corporate environments which included working for several international FMCG leaders as a marketing manager in different locations. 2017-2019: Received a diploma in Clinical Psychology at St. Petersburg V. M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute. 2011-2023: Was trained within several therapeutical approaches incl. Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, Dialectical-Behaviour Therapy, Family Systems Therapy. Worked with individuals and couples in mental health institutions and private practice. 2017 onwards: Continuous development as a schema therapist. Schema training for individuals with Paul Kasyanik and later trainings with Wendy Behary, Jeff Conway, Eckhard Roediger, Alp Karaosmanoglu, Susan Simpson, Remco van der Wijngaart, David Bernstein. Schema training for couples with Dr Eckhard Roediger, Dr Eva Frank. 2023: Together with Ivan Gorbachev and Alexander Erichev developed the first training for Russian-speaking people in Schema Therapy for Couples. The training is conducted in partnership of Schema Therapy for Couples Institute, Saint Petersburg and “Quality of Life” Psychological Center. 2023: The Chair of the Webinar Committee in ISST (International Society of Schema Therapy).
Areas of focus::
Schema Therapy for Couples Training and Supervision. Working with couples to assist with obtaining the interpersonal and intrapersonal balance.
ISST (International Society of Schema Therapy); ACBT (Association of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy). EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations). European Certificate in Psychology, registration number RU-012649-201712, issued 25.12.2017.

ISST Schema Therapy Program Director/Trainer/Supervisor for Couples.
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Maria is a certified Schema Therapist and full member of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) as well as an Advanced Certified Schema Couples Therapist. Maria is truly committed to Schema Therapy for Couples.  Her structured approach to delivering information gives room to the participants of her trainings to conceptualize their cases and to plan therapeutical interventions within the framework of the model.

Our Mission

We want provide the best concepts for continuing professional development in Schema Therapy world wide.

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Accredited training program of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST)

Our vision

Is the further development of schema therapy in the sense of a contextual and process-based method within behavioural therapy as well as schema therapy with couples. To achieve this, we offer a series of in-depth courses. We endeavour to create a community in which colleagues can exchange ideas, support each other and improve their practice through interaction.

Visit our program