Schematherapy for Couples – the modular approach.
An ISST-approved ONLINE training program in Schema therapy for Couples
Organized by Eckhard Roediger
Start 30th September 2025
End: 16 th December 2025
The 30 hours training is in English language. We will meet on 12 Tuesdays between 12.00 to 2.30 pm CET, It covers the whole content on the ISST guidelines for couples therapy.
Location: Online
About this training:
The schema therapy model describes how unmet core needs lead to maladaptive schemas and coping behavior. Unfortunately, schema chemistry plays an important role when we choose our partners. So we often find ourselves in the same complementary roles that we got used to in childhood and fight the former significant others in our partners by mutually “pushing our buttons” in escalating mode cycles.
Besides working with couples from the very beginning, we can also start working with one partner and include the other partner later to a smaller or greater extend. Including the partner starts with thinking about him or her in therapy. The curriculum addresses both: Starting with one partner and including the other or starting with the couple right away. The approach focusses on the in-session presentation of the mode cycles. It is based on a module system serving as handrails guiding the therapist through the course of therapy.
The training adapts the schema therapy model on interpersonal mode cycles, describes and trains the steps to get out of them by stopping the cycles, shift into a healthy adult mode, re-balance the basic needs, reconnect emotionally in imagery and initiate a constructive communication style in demonstrations and dyadic role-play. This will enable the participants to start working with dysfunctional interpersonal patterns in various settings.
Simeone-DiFrancesco, C., Roediger, E., Stevens, B. (2015). Healing Relationships: Schema Therapy for Couples, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Roediger, E. (2019) The Couples-ST Module System.
All participants must be eligible for ISST certification according to the ISST-Statutes. I.e. they must have an academic degree (e.g. MA) in medicine, psychology or social counseling enabling them to work independently as psychotherapists according to the national guidelines.
This training covers all modules according to the training guidelines for a certification in Schema therapy for Couples (ST-C) by the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST).
Dr. Denise Ginzburg-Marku Psycholog. Psychotherapist.
Psychological psychotherapy (behavioural therapy) for children, adolescents and adults, ISST Certified Trainer/Supervisor in Schema Couples Therapy.
Eckhard Roediger (MD), born 1959, neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Trained in psychodynamic and cognitive-behavior therapy. Formerly Director of a Psychosomatic Department of a clinic in Berlin (GER), since 2007 working in Private Practice and Director of the Schema Therapy Training Center in Frankfurt (GER). Member of the ISST Board since 2008, past-President and now honorary member.
Dates and time:
The training takes place on 12 Tuesdays of 2,5 hrs each, from 12:00 to 14:30 CET (UTC+1) Germany.
September 30,
October 07, 14, 21 & 28
November 4, 11, 18 & 25
December 2, 9, 16
€990 (for people from so called “B-countries” €650; for a B-Country-List* see below). In case a participant is not able to take part at one date we will try to arrange a replacement. People in poor financial conditions are welcome to ask for a special rate.
*Reduced fee exclusively for participants who reside in the following countries:
Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine**, Venezuela, Vietnam and Yugoslavia.
**We offer some free spots in each training for Ukrainians. If you are interested in getting one of them, please do not enroll on the webseite, just contact us at contact(at) However, if you are able to pay the reduced rate, you can book a regular place. In this case, you are welcome to enrol now.